How Long Does a Single Minor Surgery Take to Complete it?

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How Long Does a Single Minor Surgery Take to Complete it?

Minor oral surgical procedures are surgeries done under local anesthesia with or without IV sedation and use minimal equipment. Examples include the removal of wisdom teeth, buried tooth roots, tiny soft tissue lesions, broken teeth, and lower and upper jaw cysts. Only specialist oral surgeons and dentists with specialization in oral surgery carry out the treatment quickly and safely. Surgeons advise Minor oral surgeries to determine different mouth problems or to fix flaws that lead to tooth loss.

Common Minor Oral Surgeries

Below are the most common minor oral surgical procedures:

Tooth Extraction

Sometimes to ensure better oral health and get dental pain relief, professionals recommend a tooth extraction. There are two kinds of extraction – surgical and simple. As the name suggests, simple tooth extraction is simple and gets completed in a short time period. On the other hand, surgical tooth extraction is essential if the tooth is broken or has tiny bits in the gum.


Biopsies are also the common minor oral surgeries in Bayside, NY that oral surgeons conduct to check for the signs of mouth cancer. Therefore, if you find any suspicious lesions in the mouth, get a dental check-up today. During the biopsy, the surgeon will eliminate a tiny tissue from the mouth so that the lab technicians can check it thoroughly.

Dental Implants

Implants are the long-term and natural-looking solution for lost teeth that don’t require frequent replacements. During this minor oral surgical procedure, the professional will place the implant and leave the post to fuse with the jawbone.

Reconstructive Oral Surgery

Oral Reconstructive Surgeries are procedures that help to recreate jaw, face, and mouth tissues. It means that oral surgeons mainly use them to treat facial trauma. For example, if you have face injuries or knocked-out teeth that make it tough to do daily tasks, the professional recommends reconstructive oral surgery.

How Long Do Minor Oral Surgical Procedures Take?

Most minor oral surgical treatments at Bayside Family Dentistry are simple and take only a few minutes. The exact time length relies on the type of procedure. For example, a single extraction of a tooth takes nearly 20 to 40 minutes. It usually includes the time for pre-surgical duties, numbing of the tooth, and post-surgical duties.

Can I Awake During Minor Oral Surgery?

No. Patients do not stay awake during minor oral surgical procedures. It’s because oral surgeons typically use nitrous oxide in blend with local anesthesia for most treatments. This anesthesia technique is 100% effective and safe for most minor procedures. Local anesthesia is a numbing agent directly injected into the region to be treated. It makes the person painless and conscious during the treatment.

On the other hand, nitrous oxide is a sedation known as laughing gas. It’s a combination of oxygen and nitrous oxide that the patient needs to breathe via a mask over the nose. The patient does not feel any pain but stays relaxed and conscious during the dental process.

Should We Leave or Wait After Completing Minor Oral Surgery?

Usually, the surgeon will ask the patient to relax for at least two to three days after the procedure. The soft tissues in the mouth completely heal within 3 to 4 weeks. After that, the patient can get back to their usual routine easily. After tooth extraction, the exact time a patient requires to take off from work will rely hugely on the physical activity needed for the task. Your oral surgeon will tell you the perfect answer.

Care After Minor Surgery

To help the mouth heal fast, the surgeons at the dental office in Bayside, NY recommend some aftercare tips. These include:

  • Take the pain medicine as instructed by your dentist or surgeon. Call the expert if the pain doesn’t get better within two days.
  • To manage bleeding from the treated area, use a gauze pad over the wound for at least one hour. If the bleeding continues even after 4 hours, get in touch with the expert immediately. Till then, make sure you keep your head elevated and take proper rest.
  • One day after the procedure, wash your mouth with warm water gently. The surgeon or dentist near you may also recommend adding ½ tsp salt to 1 cup of warm water. Do this for 3 or 4 days 4 or 5 times a day.
  • Use a cold compress on the swollen region on the first day after the oral surgery.
  • In case of sore jaw, massage them using a moist and warm face cloth gently.