How Long Does Dental Graft Pain Last?

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How Long Does Dental Graft Pain Last?

Bone grafting is performed by dentists before dental implant surgery when your jawbone is not strong enough to hold an implant in place.

The process is done before you undergo dental implant surgery because the chewing action of your mouth exerts great pressure on the bone. As a result, the surgery might fail if your bone cannot support the dental implant.

When is Bone Graft Necessary?

A bone graft is needed when you want a dental implant, but the bone in your jaw is damaged or weak. The procedure allows your dentist in Bayside Dentistry to replace the bone with a stronger base, increasing the likelihood that the dental implant will be successful.

Some reasons that may lead to weak bone include:

  • Advanced gum disease
  • Missing teeth that were not replaced
  • Trauma or injury to the facial area

There are four main reasons why bone grafts are needed:

  • Bone graft is used in the case of complex or multiple fractures or fractures that don’t heal well after initial treatment.
  • A bone graft helps the bone heal an implanted device like plates, joint replacements, or screws.
  • Regeneration is used when a bone is lost to infection, disease, or injury. This may involve using large sections or small amounts of bone in bone cavities.

Different Types of Bone Grafts

There are four types of bone grafts, including:

Socket Preservation

It’s sometimes called ridge preservation. Your dentist places this type of graft in the socket immediately after you’ve had a tooth extraction. It helps fill the void left behind by the missing teeth and helps prevent the sides of the socket from caving in.

Ridge Augmentation

If you have missing teeth for some time, the supporting jawbone might be thinner than it was before. Ridge augmentation helps increase the volume and width of the jawbone so it can provide a stable base for implants or any other restorative options.

Sinus Lift

The maxillary sinuses are above your upper back teeth. If you have missing upper back teeth, the sinuses drop down and invade the space occupied by the roots of your teeth.

In this scenario, the dental implants won’t be placed because they would penetrate the sinus membrane. Instead, your oral surgeon or periodontist from Bayside Family Dentistry will address the problem by performing a sinus lift. The procedure helps raise the sinus back to its proper position.

They then place a dental bone graft underneath the sinus and create a solid foundation for implants later on.

Periodontal Bone Graft

Infection from gum disease erodes the bone that supports your teeth. This causes the teeth to become loose. Your oral surgeon places a periodontal bone graft around an existing tooth to reduce mobility and provide you with additional support.

In most cases, bone grafts first heal completely before placing an actual implant. However, because each person is unique, recovery time may vary. In rare cases, your dentist might be able to place a bone graft and a dental implant simultaneously. But this’s decided on a case-by-case basis.

What Happens Before Dental Bone Graft Placement?

Before getting a dental graft near you, your dentist performs an oral exam to check the health of your jaw, gums, and teeth. Then, scans or dental X-rays will be taken to determine the extent of the bone loss. Next, the dentist discusses your treatment options with you and creates a treatment plan to meet your requirements.

What Happens During Dental Graft Procedure?

During a bone graft in Bayside, you’ll receive anesthesia that temporarily puts you to sleep and blocks sensation. Your surgeon cleans the affected area and cuts through your skin and the muscle surrounding the bone that gets the bone graft. Your surgeon uses special tools to remove a small portion of bone. The surgeon inserts the bone graft between the two pieces of bone that require to grow together. In other cases, your dentist might secure the bone graft with special screws. Your surgeon will then make any other necessary repairs. The muscle and layers of skin around your treated bone are closed surgically.

You should expect pain after the procedure, which is supposed to subside after 3-4 days. The recovery period takes between two weeks to two months.