What Is Dental Bonding?

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What Is Dental Bonding?

Almost 60% of the adults in the country are not happy with their smiles. Flaws such as cracks, chips, and stains are hindering so many people from having the smile of their dreams. Plus, such dental flaws have adverse effects on your oral health and dental aesthetics. But there’s no reason for you to have a tight-lipped smile since we have dental bonding in Bayside.

Our tooth bonding dentist near you uses this innovative treatment to deal with minor cosmetic dental issues. It is a quick, painless, and effective way of getting your smile revamped.

So, are you curious? Do you desire to know more about dental bonding in Bayside? If you are, read on.

All About Dental Bonding

Many people can attest that minor dental flaws can suck the life of a gorgeous smile. Most people know that smiles leave lasting impressions, so if yours is flawed, it is understandable if you are self-conscious about it.

Rightfully so, because cosmetic concerns such as severe stains, chips, and cracks will mar a smile, and interacting with people might not be as easy as before. What’s worse is if your job requires you to interact with people more often.

Additionally, there are dental health issues that might arise because of cracks and chips. A crack may make your teeth get weak. If the cracks aren’t fixed, your tooth roots can be exposed, which means that you will be vulnerable to infection. Also, you might lose a tooth if the crack leads to a fracture or it breaks off.

For this reason, we offer dental bonding as one of the primary services under cosmetic dentistry in Bayside. Our tooth bonding dentist near you uses a tooth-colored material, usually, composite resin to repair cracked, chipped, or severely stained teeth. At times, dental bonding can be used to close the gaps between teeth to give you a gorgeous smile.

Composite resin has been used for a long time in the bonding process. This is because it is a pliable tooth-colored material. Therefore, our dentist can trim, shape and polish it to give it a naturally beautiful finish, ensuring that the bonded teeth resemble the rest of your teeth.

Our dentist can use dental bonding in two distinct ways:

  • Direct composite bonding, which our dentist uses to correct dental flaws
  • Adhesive bonding, which our dentist uses to attach crowns, veneers, or dental bridges to teeth

Are You Eligible for Dental Bonding?

You can choose to go for dental bonding if you desire to:

  • Elongate your teeth
  • Repair cracked or chipped teeth
  • Reshape your teeth
  • Fill cavities with composite resin
  • Close gaps between teeth
  • Improve the appearance of stained teeth
  • Cover the roots of teeth that are exposed because of gum recession

How Long Will Tooth Bonding Last?

The beauty of using composite resin is that it chemically bonds to your teeth. This makes them strong, and thus, can last for several years. However, the composite resin is not as sturdy as you might think. But, If you care for your bonded teeth, they can serve you for many years.

On the other hand, you should remember that the treatment was not designed to last forever. This means that you will have to make your way to our office to get a touch-up at some point.

Anyway, dental bonding can serve you for three to ten years.

Benefits of Dental Bonding

Dental bonding can deal with so many issues. So, if you wish to walk down this road, you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • They are fixed very fast, and in one visit, your smile will be renewed
  • It is not an expensive way of dealing with dental issues as compared to the other options such as crowns and veneers
  • There is no pain during and after the procedure, and so there’s no need for anesthesia, not unless you are going for tooth fillings
  • The procedure is not as invasive as veneers or dental crowns, which involve the removal of some of the tooth enamel

Dental bonding will revamp your smile in a quick and relatively inexpensive way. Also, it’s vital to note that dental bonding requires some artistic skills and scientific knowledge to get the desired effects. Therefore, if you wish to redefine your smile, contact us at Bayside Family Dentistry.